Wheelhouse OncoManagement

Fear to Fortitude


Feeling lost is a source of fear for many cancer patients. The “Fear to Fortitude” cancer coaching techniques and tools provide a foundation to shift the troubling feelings of uncertainty to one of calm and balance. Learning how to make career decisions, managing relationships during and after cancer treatment are some examples of life’s ongoing challenges.

The process starts with an assessment of your individual strengths. Building awareness and appreciation of your strengths will become your “power source” during our cancer coaching process.

All of our coaches are trained by the Cancer Journey Institute whose certification program is recognized by The International Association of Cancer Coaches.

Why Choose Us

When life feels out of control and consumed with emotion, Cancer Journey Coaches provide you with the tools, compassion, and support needed to find your way through this frightening time. You and your Certified Cancer Journey Coach will work together to discover a sense of purpose during and after treatment. While your medical team focuses on the clinical side of the cancer journey, your Cancer Journey Coach provides a safe haven to express and explore your emotions, while beginning to grow and thrive through the cancer treatment process and beyond.

Our Coaches

Sally Eggleston

I am a trained radiation therapist, have educated radiation therapy students, and have been an oncology consultant for cancer facilities and physicians across the United States. I then became a Triple Negative Breast Cancer patient. Due to my background, I knew exactly what my treatment regimen would be, what associated side effects to expect, and how many months I would be treated, but I was not aware how emotional this journey would be – not just during treatment, but in the months and even years afterward. 


As a patient, I became acutely aware of what was missing in cancer treatment – the emotional support, someone I could speak to about my fears of dying, someone who didn’t need me to be brave.  Most importantly, I needed someone who could provide me with some tools to learn to navigate the “new” me.  


Through the Cancer Journey Institute, I have gained skills and tools that complement my clinical training, and enable me to provide that needed support for other cancer patients. As a Cancer Journey Coach, I am now willing and able to walk your Cancer Journey with you!

Sally Eggleston
Executive Team - White Background (3)

In January of 2019, my life changed dramatically. I was diagnosed with carcinosarcoma of the uterus, an extremely rare and aggressive cancer. My treatment started with a total hysterectomy directly followed by eight grueling months of inpatient chemo and six weeks of intense radiation. 

After a long recovery, I became passionate about giving cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers the help I so desperately needed during and after my own cancer journey: emotional and spiritual support during treatment and finding a new sense of direction once it’s finished.

Through “The Cancer Journey Institute’s” accredited coaching certification program, I now have the specialized training, tools, and techniques needed to pursue my passion by becoming a skilled cancer support coach.

Start Your Journey From Fear to Fortitude

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