Who are Oncology Nurse Navigators and how do they help?

Oncology Nurse Navigator

Oncology nurse navigator. This role may be the biggest buzzword in cancer care right now, but what is it exactly, and how can someone in this role help cancer patients?

The easiest way to describe an oncology nurse navigator is by saying it is a nurse who specializes in cancer but also functions simultaneously as a social worker and case manager. Roll these careers into one and you have an oncology nurse navigator (ONN).

When someone receives a cancer diagnosis, they are overwhelmed physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally – and more. Oncology nurse navigators are in the patient’s corner from diagnosis to survivorship.

The ONN ensures that the patient:

  1. understands their diagnosis and treatment plan
  2. attends doctor appointments
  3. avoids duplicate testing (cost-savings!)
  4. receives education on the treatment plan
  5. receives direction to community resources
  6. offers general support as needed throughout the entire cancer journey
  7. receives support during the difficult transition into survivorship and re-entry into the workforce

A cancer diagnosis is scary to anyone, and oncology nurse navigators are there to assist in every way possible to break down barriers to excellent cancer and the best possible outcomes for every patient.

Wheelhouse aims to reduce costs, improve outcomes, and ultimately enhance the lives of cancer patients through compassionate, timely, and personalized navigation support. When paired with CancerAllies, who use evidenced-based strategies and methods to help patients cope with their cancer diagnosis and other solutions, reducing cancer’s impact is possible.

Explore the Wheelhouse approach.

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